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Date: Monday, September 17, 2012 // By: Nora // 1 Coments
About this Spot: Ariana Grande wearing Keds Champion Oxfords at the 2012 power of youth event.

Keds Champion Oxfords

breathable canvas upper cotton terry lining arch support lightweight rubber outsole In white. Imported.
Blogger Unknown : September 25, 2012 at 8:59 AM
Hi Ariana
Very cute outfit and the keds go perfect with it! I have 4 pairs of keds; red, bright blue, bright pink and a white pair (like yours in the photo). I think they are the best sneakers for wearing skirts, jeans, dresses and shorts, pretty much a great fashion accessory. Also find they work great for Halloween costumes, last year I was a nurse and my white pair came in handy. I Hope you do more style photos. Oh I think these socks would look really cute with your outfit.

Have a great day! ;o)

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